Your home for the Wisconsin Kringle
Why get them shipped when you can get them fresh from your local bakery?
Caramel Pecan Kringle
What is a Kringle?
The Wisconsin Kringle started in Racine Wisconsin and is a Danish pastry. We start by folding the dough over and over in order to create many layers that give it its flaky texture. Next we sheet out the dough and fill it with a special kringle filling that has brown sugar and cinnamon in it along with the desired flavor. Once this is done we fold it and shape it by hand into an oval. After it has been baked and cooled we ice it with our delicious homemade danish icing. Our recipe is a family recipe that comes from Wisconsin (Lisa’s birthplace).
Our flavors include cheese, apricot, cherry, raspberry, apple cinnamon, caramel pecan, cinnamon and many more. Call today to see what we have!
We recommend placing an order if you are looking for next day pick up as Kringles sell out fast!
Don’t forget your Kringle card! When you buy 9 Kringles you get number 10 free!
Have you heard of our Kringle Club?
What is it?
The Kringle of the month card is an opportunity for you or the recipient to enjoy a Kringle once a month with a pre-paid card. You can choose any flavor Kringle you would like! flavors are subject to availability at time of redemption- we suggest you give us a call to order your desired flavor
How do I use it?
You pay a one time fee and receive a card that has 12 months on it. Every month when you come in to redeem your Kringle, we will punch out that month.
What is the cost?
There is a one time cost of $175.00. With this price you are getting one Kringle for free! Once you pay you will get your card.